AERIAL SILKS ONLINE - a tutorial library with special emphasis on theory & technique
AERIAL SILKS ONLINE - a tutorial library with special emphasis on theory & technique

AERIAL SILKS ONLINE - a tutorial library with special emphasis on theory & technique

Expand your repertoire.

Refine your technique.

Deepen your understanding of theory.

For the aerialist who seeks not only an expanded repertoire, but also a higher level of technique & theory.

Theory & Technique

In-depth, detailed explorations of technique in fundamentals and common areas of confusion.

Repertoire | Tricks

Learn poses, tricks, dynamics, and drops. Tutorials include instruction for more subtle aspects of wrapping & body position.

Flow | Sequences & Transitions

Learn sequences, combos, and transitions, including original creations by Sara.

Silk Cipher

Empower yourself with a framework for analyzing technique and theory. Included in 3 & 12-month plans.

Training Resources

3 & 12-month plans INCLUDE resources for optimizing your training, including guidance on writing your workouts, tracking spreadsheets, goal setting templates, and more.

Teaching Resources

3 & 12-month plans INCLUDE resources for teachers that help you organize and plan your lessons on the scale of a day, month, and year.